en English

Year: 2021


The Technology and Steps of Beef Acid Excretion

1. Acid Excretion “Acid excretion” is an important part of meat processing technology. It is the process of quickly cooling the carcass after slaughter to 15-16℃, and hanging it vertically in a safe environment with minimal negative losses such as bacteria, oxidation, and dry consumption, to complete the maturation of the meat and obtain the greatest economic benefits. 2. The factors that affect the rate and effect of acid excretion. Eliminating the live cattle stress response, hunger before slaughter, stunning slaughter, and correct assassination and bloodletting are all factors that ensure the smooth progress of acid excretion. Electric stunning is one of

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How to Make Carrot and Celery Sausages

Meat products are high in fat, heat, and cholesterol, and lack water-soluble vitamins and minerals. As a plant food, vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber with certain functions, have low-fat content, and contain no cholesterol. Meat and vegetables are added in a certain proportion, so that two different types of foods form a nutritional complement, so as to solve the problem of nutritional imbalance. Process Flow: Operation Points: 1. The preparation of vegetable puree: Wash the carrots and celery, drain the water, and use a stainless steel knife to cut the vegetables into 20-30mm-long sections or 5mm-thick

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45 Practical Questions and Answers in Slaughter and Meat Processing

 1. What are the site selection requirements for the slaughterhouse? Answer: The slaughterhouse should be established in an area where the terrain is relatively high, dry, with sufficient water sources, convenient transportation, no harmful gases, ash, and other pollution sources, and easy to discharge sewage. The slaughterhouse shall not be built in densely populated areas, and the distance shall be at least 500 meters, and the downwind and upwind shall be avoided as far as possible in residential areas. 2. What are the ground design standards for slaughterhouses? Answer: 2.1. The ground should be made of waterproof, non-slip, non-moisture-absorbing, washable,

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Fermented Sausage

Fermented sausages are meat products that are fermented by adding a certain starter and can be stored for a long time. According to the characteristics of fermented sausages, they can be divided into dry and wet two types. And according to the different maturation time, dry fermented sausages can be divided into short-mature and long-mature two types. Overview of Fermented Sausages Fermented sausage refers to the addition of spices, salt, sugar, or other additives to minced meat, which is poured into natural casings. It is processed through natural fermentation, maturation, drying, and other processes under certain temperatures and humidity. And

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Recipe for Okara Sausage

Okara refers to the leftovers of soy products such as tofu and soy milk. Okara has high nutritional value. In the dry matter of Okara, it still contains 19%~23% protein, 8%~11% fat, and 50%~70% of the diet. Fiber is also rich in soy isoflavones and soy polysaccharides. Soy dietary fiber has a variety of health effects and is called the “seventh nutrient” after protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, minerals and vitamins by nutritionists. 1. Formula: Name Percent(%) Pig lean meat 42 Fat 18 Ice Water 18 Sugar 6.6 Potato Modified Starch 4 Bean Dregs Powder 4 Salt 1.4 Soy Protein Isolate

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How to Eat the Five Most Delicious Hams in the World?

Since humans discovered that they can be cured and dehydrated with salt to extend the shelf life of meat, the world has added a delicacy-ham. The history of making ham in Italy is said to date back to ancient Greece, while Chinese ham has been documented in the Tang Dynasty. In addition to Spanish Iberian Iberico ham and Chinese Jinhua ham, what else is there? Jinhua Ham Jinhua ham is produced in Jinhua, Zhejiang, which has been the place where China’s economy and culture have prospered since ancient times. Therefore, Jinhua ham has been known as the most famous ham in

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How to Properly Use Disinfectants in Food Factories

With the development of the economy and the improvement of living standards, food safety issues have increasingly attracted the attention of consumers. From farm to table, every link of processing and production is related to food safety. In a food factory, where production runs efficiently and food safety needs to be ensured at the same time, cleaning and disinfection have naturally become the focus of the factory’s attention. The promulgation of the new “Food Safety Law” has laid a solid foundation for the healthy development of the industry, and at the same time clarified that ensuring food safety is as

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Homemade Sandwich Chicken Nuggets

Scientifically match honey, pineapple, winter puree, and chicken with complementary advantages to make nutritious honey-pineapple flavored winter puree chicken nuggets, and study the factors that affect the quality of chicken nuggets through sensory evaluation. Homemade sandwich fun chicken nuggets provide effective technical parameters. Recipe Name Volume(%) Chicken Thigh 20-40 Chicken Breast 20-40 Chicken Skin 5-15 Whole Egg Liquid 2-5 Honey 0.5-1 White Sugar 0.5-1 Salt 0.5-1 Monosodium Glutamate 0.2-0.5 Corn Starch 1-5 White Pepper Powder 0.2-0.5 Ginger Paste 1-5 Pineapple 6-10 Phosphate 0.2-0.5 Whole Milk Powder with Calcium 1-3 Winter Paste Filling 5-7 Water 10-15 Process Flow Operation Points: 1.

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Control Methods to Prevent Starch Aging (Regeneration)

As an important component of food, starch not only provides the energy necessary for the human body, but also affects the texture, taste, acceptability, and other quality attributes of starch-based foods. Most starchy foods have undergone some form of processing or cooking, causing the starch to absorb water and swell to form a paste-like system with a certain viscosity. However, in the process of cooling and storage, after the starch molecules are rearranged in space conformation, they will form an orderly and stable gel structure. This phenomenon is called starch aging or retrogradation. Starch aging usually leads to deterioration of

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Key Points of Processing Smoked Ham

Smoked ham is refined by injection, tenderization, tumbling, and smoking of high-quality pork hind legs. The product is packaged in cellulose casing, which has an attractive smoky appearance and good color rendering on the cut surface. The meat has a full and pure aroma, and has a strong fruity wood smoky flavor. 1. Process Flow Raw Material Selection → Pickling (saltwater injection) → Rolling → Filling → Steaming → Smoking → Cooling → Finished Product 2. Choice of Recipe Lean meat 50kg, salt 1.1kg, phosphate 0.15kg, monosodium glutamate 0.1kg, mixed emulsifier 1kg, pepper 30g, nutmeg powder 15g, sodium erythorbate 25g, cinnamon powder

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How to Eat Different Parts of Beef

Beef is a kind of meat that we often eat. It is rich in protein, amino acids, and various nutrients, closer to human needs than other meats. Eating beef can effectively improve the body’s disease resistance. Beef is eaten more carefully, with different parts and different methods. A cow’s body can be divided into hundreds of different products. If you choose sirloin for frying and beef tendon for soup, it would be a big mistake. So, the first step to make delicious beef is to choose the right meat. I’m here to introduce some common types to you so that you

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Processing Technology of Coconut, Cheese, and Corn Flavored Sausage

Smoked sausage is one of the main types of meat products on the market. It is usually made from poultry and livestock meat through the processes of twisting, mixing, marinating, filling, sterilizing, cooling, and packaging. In order to meet the diverse needs of the consumer market, cheese, corn, coconut, and smoked sausage are combined. After the optimization of the formula, it satisfies people’s pursuit of the new flavor, nutrition, and health. 1. Basic Formula Pork 25kg, chicken breast 20kg, chicken skin 8kg, water 15kg, white sugar 5kg, salt 0.5kg, phosphate 0.3kg, sodium nitrite 0.005kg, flavor 0.5kg, soybean protein isolate 1kg, starch 3kg,

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