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Month: October 2021


Control Methods to Prevent Starch Aging (Regeneration)

As an important component of food, starch not only provides the energy necessary for the human body, but also affects the texture, taste, acceptability, and other quality attributes of starch-based foods. Most starchy foods have undergone some form of processing or cooking, causing the starch to absorb water and swell to form a paste-like system with a certain viscosity. However, in the process of cooling and storage, after the starch molecules are rearranged in space conformation, they will form an orderly and stable gel structure. This phenomenon is called starch aging or retrogradation. Starch aging usually leads to deterioration of

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Key Points of Processing Smoked Ham

Smoked ham is refined by injection, tenderization, tumbling, and smoking of high-quality pork hind legs. The product is packaged in cellulose casing, which has an attractive smoky appearance and good color rendering on the cut surface. The meat has a full and pure aroma, and has a strong fruity wood smoky flavor. 1. Process Flow Raw Material Selection → Pickling (saltwater injection) → Rolling → Filling → Steaming → Smoking → Cooling → Finished Product 2. Choice of Recipe Lean meat 50kg, salt 1.1kg, phosphate 0.15kg, monosodium glutamate 0.1kg, mixed emulsifier 1kg, pepper 30g, nutmeg powder 15g, sodium erythorbate 25g, cinnamon powder

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How to Eat Different Parts of Beef

Beef is a kind of meat that we often eat. It is rich in protein, amino acids, and various nutrients, closer to human needs than other meats. Eating beef can effectively improve the body’s disease resistance. Beef is eaten more carefully, with different parts and different methods. A cow’s body can be divided into hundreds of different products. If you choose sirloin for frying and beef tendon for soup, it would be a big mistake. So, the first step to make delicious beef is to choose the right meat. I’m here to introduce some common types to you so that you

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Processing Technology of Coconut, Cheese, and Corn Flavored Sausage

Smoked sausage is one of the main types of meat products on the market. It is usually made from poultry and livestock meat through the processes of twisting, mixing, marinating, filling, sterilizing, cooling, and packaging. In order to meet the diverse needs of the consumer market, cheese, corn, coconut, and smoked sausage are combined. After the optimization of the formula, it satisfies people’s pursuit of the new flavor, nutrition, and health. 1. Basic Formula Pork 25kg, chicken breast 20kg, chicken skin 8kg, water 15kg, white sugar 5kg, salt 0.5kg, phosphate 0.3kg, sodium nitrite 0.005kg, flavor 0.5kg, soybean protein isolate 1kg, starch 3kg,

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The Most Detailed Analysis of Bacon Processing Technology

Bacon means “smoked bacon.” It is made from pork ribs through shaping, curing, smoking, and other processes, so it is also called smoked ribs. Bacon is an uncooked semi-finished product. The skin is oily, golden yellow, the cortex is hard, the lean meat is dark brown, and the flesh is bright after cutting. In addition to its palatable salty taste, its flavor also has a strong smoky aroma. It is a meat product that is widely used in Western food, and is generally used as a raw material for a variety of dishes to enhance flavor and color. Sometimes it can

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Processing Technology of Industrialized Production of Quick-frozen Meatball Products

Quick-frozen meatballs generally refer to spherical foods made with chopped meat as the main ingredient. They are usually quick-frozen formed by steaming or deep-frying mixed flavored meat materials. The product varieties mainly include fish balls, pure meatballs, mushroom balls, beef balls, beef tendon balls, sandwich meatballs, fried beef balls, etc., which are stored and transported in the cold chain. 1. ProcessingFlow: Raw and Auxiliary Material Pretreatment → Beating → Forming → Low-Temperature Pre-cooking → High-Temperature Cooking → Water Cooling → Air Cooling → Selection → Quick Freezing → Bagging, Weighing, Sealing → Metal Detection → Coding → Packing, and Storage →

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Analysis of Beef Burger Patties

Beef burger are beef products made from beef as raw material and processed through processes such as ground meat, marinating, and molding. As a new type of beef meat products, beef patties need to be cooked by frying, roasting, and deep-frying before eating. 1. Basic Processing Technology: Thawing Raw Meat → Trimming → Ground Meat → Marinating → Mixing → Forming → Quick Freezing → Packaging → Final Product 2. Quality and Processing Characteristics: The research on quality and processing characteristics is the main direction of current research on beef patties. There are 20 kinds of beef patties with different fat

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Chicken Pop Corn

1. Raw Material Acceptance Fresh chicken thighs with skin, normal color and smell, freeze the thighs in the quick-freezing room to a semi-hard state, and then cut into cubes of about 1 cm³. No soft and hard bones, inflammation points, congestion, fat, hairy roots, and foreign bodies. 2. Ingredients Prepare the seasoning liquid according to the formula in the ingredient list. The ingredients are required to be fully stirred, carefully check to ensure that there is no foreign matter before use, and the temperature of the seasoning is below 10°C. 3. Tumbling Pour the raw materials and the seasoning liquid

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