en English

Day: November 18, 2021


Recipe for Okara Sausage

Okara refers to the leftovers of soy products such as tofu and soy milk. Okara has high nutritional value. In the dry matter of Okara, it still contains 19%~23% protein, 8%~11% fat, and 50%~70% of the diet. Fiber is also rich in soy isoflavones and soy polysaccharides. Soy dietary fiber has a variety of health effects and is called the “seventh nutrient” after protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, minerals and vitamins by nutritionists. 1. Formula: Name Percent(%) Pig lean meat 42 Fat 18 Ice Water 18 Sugar 6.6 Potato Modified Starch 4 Bean Dregs Powder 4 Salt 1.4 Soy Protein Isolate

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