en English

Month: December 2021


The Technology and Steps of Beef Acid Excretion

1. Acid Excretion “Acid excretion” is an important part of meat processing technology. It is the process of quickly cooling the carcass after slaughter to 15-16℃, and hanging it vertically in a safe environment with minimal negative losses such as bacteria, oxidation, and dry consumption, to complete the maturation of the meat and obtain the greatest economic benefits. 2. The factors that affect the rate and effect of acid excretion. Eliminating the live cattle stress response, hunger before slaughter, stunning slaughter, and correct assassination and bloodletting are all factors that ensure the smooth progress of acid excretion. Electric stunning is one of

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How to Make Carrot and Celery Sausages

Meat products are high in fat, heat, and cholesterol, and lack water-soluble vitamins and minerals. As a plant food, vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber with certain functions, have low-fat content, and contain no cholesterol. Meat and vegetables are added in a certain proportion, so that two different types of foods form a nutritional complement, so as to solve the problem of nutritional imbalance. Process Flow: Operation Points: 1. The preparation of vegetable puree: Wash the carrots and celery, drain the water, and use a stainless steel knife to cut the vegetables into 20-30mm-long sections or 5mm-thick

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45 Practical Questions and Answers in Slaughter and Meat Processing

 1. What are the site selection requirements for the slaughterhouse? Answer: The slaughterhouse should be established in an area where the terrain is relatively high, dry, with sufficient water sources, convenient transportation, no harmful gases, ash, and other pollution sources, and easy to discharge sewage. The slaughterhouse shall not be built in densely populated areas, and the distance shall be at least 500 meters, and the downwind and upwind shall be avoided as far as possible in residential areas. 2. What are the ground design standards for slaughterhouses? Answer: 2.1. The ground should be made of waterproof, non-slip, non-moisture-absorbing, washable,

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