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Category: Slaughter Line


Construction Requirements for Pig Slaughter Site

1. Basic Requirements 1.1. Slaughter Qualification: Possess a legal and effective pig slaughter certificate, industrial and commercial business license, animal epidemic prevention qualification certificate, and pollution discharge permit. 1.2. Slaughter Scale: The designed annual slaughter capacity is more than 300,000 heads, and the cutting capacity is more than 60,000 heads. 2. Site Selection and Plant Environment 2.1. Site Selection: 2.1.1. More than 500 meters away from drinking water sources, animal breeding farms, breeding areas, and animal bazaars; more than 3,000 meters away from breeding stocks and poultry farms; more than 200 meters away from animal diagnosis and treatment sites; more than

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How are Cows Slaughtered

Schematic Diagram of Cow Slaughter Cow Slaughter Process: Step 1: Slaughter Waiting Room Management 1.1. Once trucks arrive at the processing plant, please observe all cows before unloading. If no abnormality is found, then ask for the certificate of conformity, which is issued by the animal epidemic prevention supervision agency of the place of origin. Only when the certificate matches the goods, the trucks are allowed to be unloaded. 1.2. Count the number, pat the healthy caws into the slaughter waiting room, and manage the cows according to their health status. The area of the slaughter waiting room is designed according to 3-4m2 per cow. For example,

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How are Pig Slaughtered

Schematic Diagram of Pig Slaughter Pig Slaughter Process: Step 1: Slaughter Waiting Room Management 1.1. Once trucks arrive at the processing plant, please observe all sheep before unloading. If no abnormality is found, then ask for the certificate of conformity, which is issued by the animal epidemic prevention supervision agency of the place of origin. Only when the certificate matches the goods, the trucks are allowed to be unloaded. 1.2. After unloading the truck, the quarantine personnel must observe the health status of the live pigs one by one, divide and number them according to the inspection results. Qualified and healthy

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How are Sheep Slaughtered

Schematic Diagram of Sheep Slaughter Sheep Slaughter Process: Step 1: Slaughter Waiting Room 1.1.Once trucks arrive at the processing plant, please observe all sheep before unloading. If no abnormality is found, then ask for the certificate of conformity, which is issued by the animal epidemic prevention supervision agency of the place of origin. Only when the certificate matches the goods, the trucks are allowed to be unloaded. 1.2. Count the number, pat the healthy sheep into the slaughter waiting room, and manage the sheep according to their health status. The area of the slaughter waiting room is designed according to 0.6-0.8m2 per sheep. For

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How are Chickens Slaughtered

Schematic Diagram of Broiler Slaughter Broiler Slaughter Process: Step 1: Chicken Receiving 1.1. Once trucks arrive at the processing plant, please observe all chickens before unloading. If no abnormality is found, then ask for the certificate of conformity, which is issued by the animal epidemic prevention supervision agency of the place of origin. Only when the certificate matches the goods, the trucks are allowed to be unloaded. 1.2. During unloading, the quarantine personnel will do an on-site inspection. The cages of healthy chickens will be placed on the conveyor and transported to the hanging room. 1.3. The hanging room is strictly

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How to Calculate the Area of the Slaughter Rooms

When we plan to build a pig slaughter line, the first thing that comes to mind is: How big a factory building do I need to accommodate? But before there is a detailed plan, how to estimate the area of the main slaughter waiting room, slaughter room, and division room? In fact, there is a certain proportional relationship between them. Depending on the slaughter volume, the area of the slaughter waiting room, the slaughter room, and the division room will also change accordingly. I hope the minimum area correspondence table below can give you some help. Slaughter Volume(per year) Slaughter Waiting Room Area(㎡)

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